

Nice to meet you, I'm Masaki! Starting this month, I'm coming from Japan as Ichie's stylist! Previously, I was in Belgium! I love Europe, and on my days off, my daily routine is to go to various places with my pet dog! I especially like the style, cut and color♪




こんにちは! アイリストのチカです!! 1番得意な技術はまつ毛パーマです!まつ毛エクステもご相談ください⭐︎ おいしいご飯屋さんや旅行先いっぱい教えてください!

Hello! This is Chika from Eyelist! ! The best technique is eyelash perm! Please consult us about eyelash extensions⭐︎ Please tell me about some delicious restaurants and travel destinations!


Top Hair Stylist

スタイリストのKenです。 約20年美容師をしています。 フランス、インド、そして名古屋、沖縄でも働いた経験を活かしカジュアルからエレガントなイメージまで、お客様の髪質や癖毛に合わせた施術を常に心がけております。 My name is Ken from Japan.I worked in the world before. France(Paris) India(New Delhi) Japan(Nagoya,Okinawa) I could offer to you some international minded and hair styles. Let’s talk on If you have some questions about your hair. I can speak English,French,Japanese and little bit German. Thank you!!